Overall: Neat concept, but complete failure. The deal breaker was how expensive it was for possibly the worst meal I've ever had in my life. Save your money and tastebuds and head to the food court at the mall.
Food: We ordered 2 sushi rolls and a sushi bowl. The sushi rice and rice for the bowl was laughable. Zero flavor, gummy texture. I may as well have been eating mushy Minute rice. The meat portions were also terrible; there may have been one coffee spoonful worth of meat on each portion. Toppings also lacked flavor. About the only good thing was the pre-bought bottle of Sriracha they had on the table! The food was so bad I had to drown it in Sriracha to make it edible. And the bill was well over $30.
Service: It was extremely awkward to watch the server fumble his way through making a sushi roll with shaking, indecisive hands. I almost wanted to go behind the counter and roll my own sushi roll.