I'd give this a 3.5*
I wanted to grab a bite in St Lawrence Mkt but it was way too crowded inside and way too cold to sit outside...so i ventured to Le Papillon for a leisurely brunch
I got the steak frites, which came pre-sliced, which usually irks me coz i like cutting into my own steak, but this was done perfectly and the glaze was great, so i forgave them. The frites were pretty good, but i have to say, the fries @ Simple Bistro was way better. The beef though, was better here.
My server was a little odd and came back with a diff accent everytime he spoke to me. Not sure what that was about. (first time, it was nervous French, then when he asked me id i wanted dessert it was fake Brit. Weird)
Overall, good food for a sit-down place and not too pricey.