| - The problems with "Plan B," beyond the awful name itself are: overpriced cover charge, tacky, surly/obnoxious door staff, tacky, sticky floors and bar counters, tacky, the need to fight your way through the apparently prepubescent set on the chicken ni- er, sorry, 18+ night, tacky, overpriced and impotable drinks, tacky, terrible TERRIBLE uninteresting and hopelessly mainstream music and, oh, the fact that this place is simply irredeemably tacky. Just godawful.
Not to mention how it overruns a several-block area of a really nice Isthmus neighborhood. Every single bad gay bar cliché plays itself out here: GoGo dancers on speakers, shirtless spritzhead "boyz" behind the bar, tons of (ostensibly) straight people either ogling or carrying on with each other - etc.
This place feels like a small town's fantasy of what a big city club should be like. Or perhaps like a set from the L Word, about five years ago.