I haven't had my nails done in ages and honestly I don't care if I talk to the tech. I was tired and I'm ticklish and I totally entertained a young girl getting a set done. I was there for a long time but was happy with the results. So if you're looking for personality , I didn't encounter a whole lot of it. I don't think the woman who did my pedicure spoke English at all, but I made everyone laugh because I was roaring every time she touched my foot lol I was trying to chat up the girl who did my nails, because again, tired and was trying to find something to occupy the time, but she wasn't having it and that's fine. Making awkward conversation is something that I'm glad to avoid. However, my only issue is that the girl who did my fingernails could have started while I was getting my pedicure. I was there for almost two hours and it was after work and I was exhausted. They would have been able to leave earlier if it was a little more efficient. I mean it was just a pedicure and a set. It shouldn't have taken that long