Bad experience: for three months my son was only gaining 2-3 oz a week and I was nursing him every hour, 24 hrs. I asked both Dr Vargas and Dr Michaels if he had a tongue tie and they said no. Those "aren't a thing". I struggled. Cried. Felt so much pain and worry. Finally I saw an independent lactation consultant who identified a tongue tie in two minutes, sent me to Agave to have it revised, and the next day my son gained 2oz. He continued to 8oz a week gains immediately and after dropping from the 99th percentile in weight to the 2nd, he started climbing back up. I have Agave to thank for saving my nursing relationship with my baby, and Cactus to blame for 3 months of despair and growth problems. Their attitude; just give him formula. So, if you aren't interested in breastfeeding, I think Cactus is fine. If you do want to breastfeed, Agave is a better choice.
Side note: Vargas did my son's circumcision and did a good job. So added star for that.