| - So hubby and I attended this event a few years ago, when it was at the art museum. It was good then -- though the venue was super crowded and navigating the long lines was a hassle, we enjoyed a number of delicious and memorable bites from excellent restaurants...all of which we later visited for dinner, because...that's the point, right?
This year's event (2018) at the Botanical Gardens, though, was a bust. We went on Saturday 3/3 and experienced only a couple of tasty or interesting bites -- kudos to Buck & Rider, and to Dahl -- you represented! Overwhelmingly, though, the restaurants churned out cheap, carnival-quality slop.
And the venue was, again, stupidly set up and managed...the Botanical Gardens are huge, so why do you still have so many booths crammed together so the lines are such a pain?
Perhaps the masses gorging themselves don't have the palates to know that they were getting slop and swill, but the drop-off in quality is significant and hugely-disappointing -- especially since admission is still pricey.
Anybody who comes to 2018's Devour Phoenix expecting a showcase of the Valley's finest will surely leave thinking we're a culinary wasteland, and that is truly a shame.