This is pretty much your standard warehouse store. Of the Costco locations I've visited in Ontario, it is smaller than some, meaning that it has less total items than the larger stores, but it still manages to have a great meat and produce section. For instance, they regularly stock specialty items, such as Wagyu beef. They usually have at least a few people providing samples, even during the week, if that's what you're into. Shopping here definitely provides a savings over grocery store prices on a number of items. We've also been able to find good deals on things that we were looking for for our home. Be careful with picking out bananas here-- they sometimes seem to go from green to brown without ever being yellow. That's a minor issue. Sometimes the available produce is better than others. I've gotten lovely ripe peaches and peaches that are never really quite right. The biggest con really is that no matter what time of day you go, it is extremely busy. It is hard to get a parking spot and all of the registers have massive lines. They do a pretty good job of having lots of registers open, but it can be a bit of a wait.