Disappointing to say the least. Car was on a road trip and it needed a good washing. I opted for the $39.99 service and had a $10.00 coupon. Go to get my car and there's brown spots all over the drivers side. The attendant was completely indifferent about it. Another employee noticed us talking about it and came over and wiped off about 25% of it. He then told me he didn't want to do any more because they didn't want to scratch my paint, telling me I needed a buffer to take that out and then have it polished. Right!!!!! He didn't want to do more because they didn't want to be bothered doing a good job. I took it home and took a little bug and tar remover to it and it came off. Jacksons had a chance to look like hero's but chose the lazy path. Guess where I'll never go again????