I really went nuts for Fresh this week. My boyfriend asked me to get him take out at Fresh while he had a hang over on Sunday. I'd never been to Fresh before but after I ordered and payed for his food I was a little shocked that a Magic Tofu wrap and sweet potato fries ran me $16 and change. No wonder he asked me to get it for him when I offered to deliver some hang over remedies. I got to eat a bite of this wrap which was fantastic.
So fantastic in fact I suckered my dad in to taking me here for lunch on my birthday where I proceeded to order the magic tofu wrap and the quinoa onion rings. I found our server to be fine, however I heard her make snarky comments to a few customers, one woman who was getting take out when the server brought the take out she was on her phone and took her meal and as she walked out the waitress gave her a snarky "YOUR WELCOME". This same server also proceeded to hug another male server constantly behind the coffee bar which was a little weird.
This place is really good if someone else is paying for it. However if you are paying for it its a lil pricey. So find some sucker to buy you Fresh.