We didn't even get to eat here. They were so busy, and it is seat yourself, there is no host or hostess. Some people that came in before us went and took the first open seat that came available and then they got kicked out of that table for some people that were waiting in another area, so they waited some more and finally got a seat so then it should've been our turn for the next open table, a couple came in after us and the woman's husband went and looked for people that would be leaving soon and he found some and took their table he didn't give a f#!k that we were waiting before them. And his white trash wife went and sat with him. That place needs to get more organized when they are busy. We will NEVER go back there. We talked to some friends of ours that had gone there regularly and they are not going there anymore either because of how unorganized they are when they are so busy. The place probably is not worried about people not returning because they are so busy, but we are not the only ones not returning. And I'm sure there will be more people that will stop going. We went over to TIMES 3 SPORTS GRILLE, on the other side of Happy Valley in the FRYs parking lot. The food and service is better at TIMES 3 SPORTS GRILLE. If you want great Mexican go to VALLE LUNA.