| - Often we take things for granted. This Fry's shares the shopping center with the LA Fitness I haul across town to train at. I typically run in before a session for some coffee (thank you Mr. Starbucks) or afterwards to pick up some stuff. (I'm lazy, so that has usually included a nice roasted chicken.)
I'll never take this place for granted again. Their employees here are just too nice.
Last week I dragged my sorry self in and spent *forever* selecting makeup hues to make myself feel purty. (Lipstick makes the world go round and is inevitably on sale here.) Then I spent entirely too much time shopping the aisles for necessities. Toilet paper, girl stuff, scented bleach, chicken (of course), spinach and assorted vegetables. (Bear with me, this list matters.)
Greeted by my favorite cashier, Chris, who has the personality of a slightly tipsy bartender with comedic timing, I watched my purchases start to be bagged. As I started to dig thru my purse I realized with horror my wallet was nowhere to be seen. Chris reacted with diplomatic charm to my, "Wait! WAIT!" and stopped ringing items. (Apparently this isn't a new phenomena.) After explaining I would only be able to purchase items with the cash on hand, I peered into my bags.
"Ok. The bleach can go. And the spinach. I can survive this afternoon sans vegetables. But I'll die if I don't have some protein in the next thirty minutes."
Chris spun the bag turnstile around and offered his opinion.
"Well. Are you really sure you need the mascara?"
"What about the eyeliner?"
[Some sighing. A bit of head shaking.]
"Alright. You clearly need the toilet paper. And the chicken."
As I hopefully looked down into the bags I said, pulling out a lady box, "This can go. I want the lipstick."
Chris, god bless him, said, "Listen. I have sisters. I've dated women. And I have a mother. You *cannot* put this back."
I pleaded my case about the time invested in selecting the lipstick color.
I lost.
Chris was right. My Vibrant Mandarin 885 from Maybelline was waiting for me today.