Any mouse out there reading this review, there is a mouse God, and he resides within the walls of Global Cheese. There is so much cheese, so much variety, any cheese aficionado will start shivering with excitement the moment their nostrils flare with the pungent fragrance of cheddery goodness.
The shop is small and set up like a shotgun bar. The way the attendants are working through the mass of baying customers, you almost expect to see Tom Cruise catching a deck of Stilton behind his back. You may wait a while but once it is your turn boldly step up to the counter and let the fun begin. You get to try everything before you buy. I had no idea what I wanted and blurted out random words such as 'Uhhh... Smokey, erm...., uhhh... Spicy! Errrr... Ch... Chives! This game went on for around 3-4mins. I eventually settled on a Prima Donna and a creamy Gorgonzola.
The only draw back of Global cheese is that it isn't cheap, yet if they start selling Jager shots to go with the bubbling atmosphere and funky Kensington crowd, I may make it my regular.