| - The first thing I noticed after being seated in the pedacure throne, is that its really cramped. Spinning this positively, I would say they make great use of their real estate.
And LOUD. This place gets loud when its busy.
The pedicure wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. I was having a hard time understanding my lady, but then again I don't understand a lot of people.
One lady was working in a nice black dress. She sounded a lot like Anjelah Johnson. "Oh huney... you so per-tty.. like mah-duhl."
So, no, I don't plan on coming back, unless I'm in a pedi bind.
Now for the hammer. The sign on their window states "$17.99 Pedicure". However, they charged my wife and I twenty-dollah. And, no, we didn't get anything ec-tra.
As Kip Dynamite would say: "Geeze, that place was a rip off!"