Yeah like most people on here who have written bad reviews about this place my complaint is with the method of operation of the door staff. These guys are a very special and unique group who all seem to be sharing the same brain. Unfortunately, the night we attempted to enter the most glamorous bar on mill, the brain must have gone to some other dude because the guy we spoke to clearly was not "it" that night.
What it comes down to is these guys really enjoy flexing their exclusionary muscle whenever they want. If they don't want you in that bar they will find a reason. (Checkout some of the other negative reviews).
See one member of our party made the mistake of wearing high top shoes that night, and the door staff feels more gang members wear high top shoes compared to low top shoes. None of the 5 other bars we visited that night gave two $%&T's about the type of shoe he was wearing probably because it is a bunch of made up nonsense. Plus with that small army of police marching up and down mill all night, is gang activity really a problem?
These guys also don't understand the situations that such BS can create. That night the only Hispanic member of our group was wearing the sinister high tops and therefore was not allowed entrance while us white boys were allowed in. Regardless of the door staff's justification the "dress code" creates these type of situations and it's going to piss people off. The only response we got was "why don't you cry about it some more". These belittling type of comments only make a bad situation worse. With an obviously racially biased dress code you would think a better explanation would be ready to go. The dress code has the effect of disproportionately excluding minority patrons relative to white patrons, but apparently it's a blast if you get in.