One of the most fun hikes I've done around Vegas. The first time I went I was amazed by the almost tropical plants close to the river. Just like everyone else said, there are some parts where you basically have to climb down a rope which is a little scary at first. Where shoes that aren't too slippery as one of my friends that is terrified of heights lid all the way down the large boulder next to the first hot spring before grabbing ahold of the rope at the last minute. It was kind of hilarious. Lemme just say that I have only done this hike as an overnight hike since it gets really crowded during the day. It is AMAZING at night. You have this beautiful canyon on a river with several different temperature hot springs to choose from ALL TO YOURSELF. I have never seen one other person camping here. Usually we would just camp on the big rock area on the river and just cowboy camp since there is not much room to set up a tent. Depending on how high the river is you may have to walk through a little bit of water to get to it. There are also some sandy spots on the way down that could be suitable for a tent but I have not tried that. As terrible of an idea as drinking in the hotsprings and then climbing down through slippery steep areas to get to your sleeping spot, in the dark sounds, it is well worth it. Just don't get so drunk that you think the only way down is over a small waterfall because you will end up with lots of cuts and bruises. But seriously, if you can suffer through a night of sleep that may not be the most luxurious this will by far be one of the most amazing places to camp. Just think about how much people would pay for their own private hot spring in such a pretty area and you get to do that fo free.