AMEX called me about an unauthorized (online) charge oversea from a cosmetic store for $ 50. Luckily they stopped the transaction just in time. How is this related to Lush Cosmetics? Well AMEX and I went through recent changes and found another earlier unauthorized charge of $1.75 from Lush Cosmetics. Sounds familiar? I don't know them and I have never been to Beechwood, OH. I live in California. It seems like they make a habit of making small fraudulent charges at their store. If they are caught, the amount is small enough not to create any attention to them or for anybody to press charges. In my case however, AMEX didn't catch the unauthorized charge of $1.75 at their store initially so they later on made a big purchase from their partner oversea. Luckily AMEX caught it this time. Please avoid Lush Cosmetics like the plague if you don't want to fall victim to their scam!