There are not enough banana peppers to go around. We live in a world where banana pepper supplies are threatening. YOU cannot have any banana peppers. That other subway? Oh yea they probably have them. But not ours. That is a luxury. Why do you need them? When I was growing up, I had to walk up hill both ways to get banana peppers. One does just ask for banana peppers. There is a process. You have to put in an application for banana peppers then have it reviewed by the banana pepper supply manager then if there's a question is has to get kicked to the VP in charge of Banana Pepper Management.
FYI sometimes they don't have banana peppers.
There's 1 halfway functioning person working.
The credit card machine takes 5 minutes.
It's probably easier to call Subway, set up your own franchise location, and order a sub with banana peppers than it is to get one here.