Wowowowowow, what a sannie! Hook Me Up, where gourmet and bountiful intersect. My sandwich was beautifully done. The pesto sauce, bacon, pepperoni, roasted turkey and nicely toasted hoggie roll sent my taste buds into overdrive.
I don't live in Chandler, but if I did I would have this place on speed dial for sure. Sharon, the owner, is delightful. The staff is courteous, and the place is super clean.
Oh, and one last thing: obey your sweet-tooth. Don't walk outta this place without one of Sharon's signature milkshakes in your hand. It's thick and creamy and made with the real thing (I watched them make it). Your tummy will thank you. If you happen to live near 32nd street & Camelback I'd like to ask you to Hook Me Up & bring me one too.....:0)