| - I will absolutely NEVER come back to this firestone location EVER & I guarantee that if anyone asks me for a good car repair shop, this will NOT be the place. I had one simple request when I had dropped off my '97 Ford Taurus to this location. My only request was to get my car in a position that will allow me to get from point A to point B. Yes, I realize it is a clunker, old car. ALL I needed was a car that would function, even if it barely functioned, the job still would've been done. After being told that the alternator in my taurus was no longer functioning properly, I told them to go ahead and fix it for $300 and some dollars. I was told it would be around $311 (or something within $5 or so dollars from there). After waiting about 2-3 days, I went to pick up my car & was told that my total would be around $400. Not only is that false pricing/advertisement, it is ILLEGAL. You cannot tell a customer a price, have the customer walk in to pick up their car, and then tell them a completely different price. The man who took care of me the very first day, Barry, was very professional and friendly. I will never forget the extremely ignorant, rude, and unprofessional worker who helped me the day my car was ready, and his name was "Mark". ANYWAYS, after being told that my car would work, I was driving down a very major road (Blue Diamond), and I come to a stop and my car dies. I had the same exact problem I had when I had taken it down to the shop in the first place. I will admit that the General Manager was very professional and gave me a full refund on my alternator. However, I would never in a million years send anyone that I know to this firestone location. DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE I DID & have it conflict with your daily schedule, it is NOT worth it!!!