| - This really was supposed to be a review of epic proportions with a positive light but a recent visit/incident to the Red Velvet put their good food as something to the past for me. I was visiting Vegas just last week and on our second to last day there we had google searched vegan friendly restaurants in the area and came up with the Red Velvet. We went based on the good reviews of the food to try out our luck and were pleasantly surprised. The food was in fact absolutely amazing. I have never had a vegan dish that was that health consciously filling. The desserts were something to die for and I couldn't believe that the cakes were all under 200 calories AND vegan. NOW, HERE'S THE PROBLEM.... I would've loved to been able to write that and end it on a happy note however an issue occurred that was VERY off-putting for me as a customer. The very next day we found and ate at the Red Velvet we went back to grab food to go for our trip back home, I had also bought almost $100 worth of cakes to take back to my friends and family to try (some vegans some not), you know, to wow them with the news of the good food. I am not the kind of person to excessively worry about how well people are doing their jobs because with how many encounters we have with other businesses as consumers today, that's just too much worry. With that being said, I guess my fault was in the fact that I didn't check our bags to make sure everything was in there. I had only realized that when we got home 2 days later. When I called the restaurant and spoke with the manager he told me he'd look into it and get back to me. Now normally, I would take that as "you're bugging me, I don't have time for this sh*t, so I'll pretend I care to get you off the phone." But because I had such an initial pleasant experience there, I assumed for the best. Not getting a phone call back, I called back the next day and spoke with the manager again who told me their "records and inventory" match and they didn't have any extra food left. I told him I understood but I had basically paid $13 (6.50 each cake) for something I didn't even receive, and continued to ask him how he planned on rectifying this. Longer story short, this manager who originally came off as if he gave a crap basically told me I'm not gonna do the right thing which would have been to just refund me my money and move on. Instead he kept stuttering and ended up hanging up on me.
Now I'm not sure what day and age this man got his so-called "business experience" through or at, but a word to the wise when you go here for anything. Check your food be it to-go or ordering in and make sure you're gonna eat the food you order because chances are if this guy did this to me for a simple to-go order he'll be a tight ass even if you found a dead rat under your panini, or simply didn't like the food. Most restaurants are smart enough to hold onto customers, NOT PUSH THEM AWAY! Especially the enthusiastic ones who like me live in another state and are your marketing tools! Word of mouth is a very powerful thing now a days, but that doesn't just go for the positive things people have to say about businesses like this, it goes for the NEGATIVE AS WELL!!!