I wish I had read the on-line reviews before I rented from here... It's true, they try to catch you on all the little fees that would bump you up to even more than what you would pay for a regular rental from the main terminal.
The car was a rather damaged and unwashed toyota corrola. They posted that if the car was returned dirty, there would be a $150 cleaning charge but already when we took it was rather gross... cupholders sticky, bad smell but worse of all was the half-full bottle of liquor in the under the seat (I am not making this up here!)
We were going to rent for a week but due to outside circumstances we had to cut the trip short and return the car after 2 days. I am giving 2 stars and not 1 due to the fact that they were extremely fair and only charged us for the 2 days we used it. I am very grateful to them for that but I've learned my lesson about renting from a discount place! You get what you pay for.
I also made this rental through www.carrental.com