Why am I troubling myself to write a review for Jack in the Box. TACOS baby! It's all about the Tacos. Jack is my fast food taco emporium. Hallelujah!
This location and its fabulous staff of taco engineers get it right! And God bless them. God bless every last one of them.
Ode to a perfect Jack in the Box taco:
The perfect Jack in the Box taco has been deep-fried once, and once only.
The perfect Jack in the Box taco is ordered with and HAS extra lettuce.
The perfect Jack in the Box taco has one full taco sauce package distributed throughout its scrumptious innards.
The Southern & Val Vista location has super primo taco game. Cooked when you order. Piping hot when handed to you. Crispy where crispy counts. And, Lord ha' mercy, EXTRA Em-Effin lettuce when you order it. And dem fries b right as well!
This location is the best. Drive-thru with confidence my children.
A more than suitable alternate location is:
Warner and Val Vista, Southwest corner - they'll do ya right as well.
Location to avoid like the plague:
Southern and Greenfield, Southwest corner. {expletives deleted} This location is possessed by angry spirits that cause the personnel to spitefully inflict the nadir of fast foodery on its customers. Be warned and feel to read my, mostly constructively critical, review on that location.