I really want to like this restaurant!
I eat out 3-4 times a week. I have been to the "eel" at least 6 times over the last 1.5 years. The food quality has been steadily declining. My wife and I love sushi and Teppan style of food. We generally spend $50-75 for the two of us.
We went to dinner with our neighbors there last night. The place was practically empty. We sat at the Teppan table because the people we were dining with wanted some Teppan. We all ordered sushi and I wanted to add a chicken fried rice for a side order since we were sitting at the Teppan table. The server, who was nice, advised me you could no longer just order chicken fried rice at the Teppan table. The owner, Barry, said he couldn't sell his chicken fried rice that cheap without ordering a meal. I explained that I was drinking an expensive sake and I had personally ordered $25.00 in sushi. He actually debated with me for about 10 minutes about how he could not make any exceptions and I would have to order it from the kitchen. I advised him that I would pay kitchen price and I just wanted the experience of having it cooked at the table. The owner, Barry, said he would make an exception this time, but when the Teppan chef started cooking there was no fried rice.
In the mean time the sushi started rolling out and it was the most pathetic tasting and smelling sushi I have ever had at a moderately expensive restaurant. I practically had to choke it down (albacore and toro) to get past the fishy taste.
When the fried rice came from the kitchen it was decent, but very bland. I had a stomach ache last night and did not feel well all day. I was compelled to join yelp to avoid future problems for other diners.