| - Total focus on revenue and income. They have mastered the fine art of bogus charges, from $38 lab prep fees, nursing charges in addition to hospitalization fees, catheter supply fee of $87 for a $3.00 item, $231 for infusion of electrolytes.
After recent one night hospitalization for an ill cat which was known to be FeLV+, the cost was approx. $1300. Glucose curve tests charged without the use of insulin (?!?), payment agreements presented for signature without prior review of billing ($400+ error on their end), failure of vets to bother to review hospitalization and treatment plan from the prior week. Test run to determine that the FeLV was positive, which was already know. The reason: feline may have cured herself. End result: $1300, payment agreement, and diabetic cat that I was never taught to care for (Tammy refused to let me meet with techs as documented in chart notes,)
When deciding to treat, it was made CLEAR that I did not want huge fees and would euthanize. Vet stated the cost would be about $98 for 3 months worth of insulin. True cost was found to be $288. No mention of their continued fees for monitoring. Refused to teach home monitoring.
I now have a certified letter waiting for me. I guess they are firing me from their practice when I have already established elsewhere. How do you fire someone that has already quit? No communication, no teaching - only $$$. Replacement vet informed me the average life span of diabetic cat after starting treatment: 6 months.
I have had my 3 pets there for 4+ years, 3 surgeries and many immunizations. Each visit had new and creative fees.