| - This was the first strip club I've been in since visiting Vegas. We were down on the strip, when we decided we wanted to go to a strip club. We got a cab and asked for suggestions, and right off the bat he was all about Sapphire's. Initially, we were down for that, but we live near Fremont street, so I thought going to the one near our house would be a better bet. Plus, if the place was shit (Which is pretty much is) we could go to another bar instead of being stuck not near anything else. Once I told the cab we wanted to go to Glitter Gulch, he literally, stopped talking to us. Before, he was chatty, friendly, etc, once we took away any sort of "kick back" he was going to get, he was pissed. He dropped us off a few blocks away, I'm sure on purpose.
But anyhow, so we got there, and it was a free cover, and like most of the complaints on here, you have to buy both of the minimum drinks at once. When we walked in, a waitress came up to us before we even seated. My boyfriend realized he left his CC at the oxygen bar we pit-stopped before coming in. Well he went back to get it, I waited patiently near the bar. Some dancer came up to me, grab me by the hand and said "get a dance!". But her tone was kind of bitchy. I pulled away and said I had no cash until my boyfriend got back, so I'm pretty worthless. She just stopped, stared, and kept standing next to me. I tried to make small talk, cause I didn't know what else to do well I waiting. She was such a bitch. When he finally came back, I grabbed him and moved to the other end of the bar, as far away as possible from that chick. We did end up chatting with a dancer who was super friendly and sweet (that's her job of course). We bought a few dances, and bailed after that. I guess for being the only strip club on the Fremont, it's not that bad. But that chick at the beginning really ruined the whole thing for me and I probably won't ever go back.