Ok, Now I realize that as a Californian I am spoiled by delicious Mexican food. I also realize that as someone who is partially of Mexican decent and has had my aunts fabulous food that I may be ruined forever to the nastiness that is fake Mexican food. But come on! This place is craptastic and there is no denying it. It tastes like your Dutch cousin went to Albertson's and went to the Ethnic food aisle and took a stab at making some Mexican food.
I asked the lady behind the counter what exactly "rolled tacos" were, and asked if they were similar to soft tacos, just rolled up or something like that, and she said yes, so I ordered that platter. What I got was 3 taquitos from Costo that had been microwaved and so were mushy and disgusting, covered in store bought guacamole and sour cream. The sides were no better. "Spanish rice" if you could actually call it that, that was mushy and gross, and canned refried beans that are screaming "hi! I'm not fresh and yummy, but from a can and about as bad as you can get!" Bleh Bleh Bleh!
Jason's food was no better. His stuff was literally sitting in a pool of grease from the fryer and had no taste other than old, over used grease... gack!
This place wanted to make me go back and rate all the other Mexican places I have ever been to a few points higher. I know that people say that Mexican food outside of California sucks... but god damn...