Arrived at SimonMed at 1pm, was told they would 'hold my place' because the wait time was an hour. Woman at the front told me to come back in 30-40 minutes. When I came back someone who was just checking in was there, I sat and waited and was not acknowledged until I made my presence known. They took the woman who just arrived before me (found out later that she was related to one of the employees there). Continued to have my time wasted for another hour only to find out I was being charged way more than my doctor said it would be. During this time another person's name who's spot was 'being held' was called. He arrived 20 minutes later, but they still took him before me. Long and short, a significant dent to my bank account, and two hours later I haven't been seen.
Posted from SimonMed waiting room.
Never again.
Total time 2.5 hours.