Amazing hot dogs, Buldogi's does some magic with weenier and bun. We tried the bulgogi dog, chili cheese dog and Kim chi fries. It's spicy food so ask for mild if you need it. I like my Korean BBQ food and Buldogi's has created a delicious hybrid with hot dogs. The sauces are rich. Unfortunately, the sauces gave me a bit of a cough for a half hour afterwards. But it's worth it. This place puts Pink's to shame. All the staff was great, nice and patient. We arrived 10 minutes before closing, not recommended, but the staff was all too happy to serve us great food. There is a soda fountain and some canned drinks in the frig. It's just a plain place inside with Buldogi memorabilia and news articles praising their dogs. But I didn't need Oprah Magazine to tell me what my tastebuds already knew; it's tasty!