Health problems never seem to end for me but at least I can get things checked out so I have no major concerns. While I was unable to get an apt with a regular dermatologist in this practice I was able to snag an apt with a nurse practitioner within a week's time.
Upon arrival I was treated with courtesy and respect. After filling out the necessary paperwork and paying my co-pay I was able to be seen within about 20 minutes of my scheduled apt time. The nurse looked at the specific areas of concern especially a growth on my forehead. I was relieved when she told me it was nothing more than a benign growth and will get irritated from time to time.
The best part was that I have always had a problem with dry peeling fingers and no hand cream in the world has ever been able to provide relief. She recommended a product which is made out of urea 20 and told me I can buy it at my local pharmacy.
I was told to return in a year. I did buy the product and am thrilled to see that it is already at work.
The practice is located near St Clair Hospital on Wren Dr. and they have their own parking in the back. Most insurances are accepted so make sure to check if you are in need of their services. Having peace of mind always helps when it comes to skin issues so I was glad to have my issues addressed prompted.
Most certainly wlll return next year when they notify me.