VANESSA - The so called 'Office Manager' is the worst as she falls short with MANAGING. When I came into the office for my 'Autistic Sons' routine appointment, they tell me that he was not on schedule and his appointment had been canceled. How can you cancel an appointment without discussing it with the parent. Then, to add insult to injury, she did not allow my son to be seen, when it was CLEARLY the offices fault for the error. We have been coming to this office for some time and never had this type of issue in the past. Now with 'VANESSA' managing the office, patients are being turned away. She was in a HURRY to leave the office that day... Seems it was more beneficial to the 'MANAGER' to turn a child away from receiving his routine dental care, sot hat she may get where she wanted to be.... I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!!!!!