UPDATE: I took down two stars due to a very persistent issue I've been having at this branch; The chicken tenders are cold. Every. Single. Time. This is the only Popeye's that continues to serve me cold chicken tenders every time and I have to send them back to get reheated every single time. The last straw was when the owner/manager of the branch literally picked up a chicken tender from his tray and THREW it into my box, insisting that both what I was offered and the fresh tenders were the same temperature. I was left speechless at how rude and impolite that was when I was just asking nicely to reheat them, not even make me new ones. After arguing with him (I actually had to argue for my COLD tenders), he finally made me a fresh batch of tenders, ones that were actually hot and fresh. The service is absolutely horrendous, and after being a loyal customer for 3+ years, I'm finally giving up on this branch.
Learn how to respect your costumers first and then we'll talk. Save your money and go somewhere else.