| - I don't know anything about Monty Python at all. I didn't know if it was a TV show, a movie, a cartoon, or what. But the BF wanted to see it the moment my mom sent him an email about it. (Yeah, my mom emails the BF.)
We caught the Sunday night 8 pm showing and sat in the cheap seats - the Mezzanine section, aka Section 3, front row. Ticket prices range from $69, $89, $99 and to $159 for the VIP package*. (And of course, we took advantage of being a local!)
I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, or if I would even get the humor of the show. But I did catch on. It's a slap stick kind of humor, a mockery of sorts. It's a musical that makes fun of other musicals, and it may take awhile for you to 'get it.'
But overall, it's a fun show. I don't think I would pay top dollar for this show especially since I'm not a Monty Python fan, but those who appreciate the humor will enjoy it.
3.5 rating
* "VIP ticket holders will be escorted behind the curtain and taken backstage to see the inner sanctum of the Strip's funniest show. They will sign a blood oath, swearing not to reveal any of the secrets, and violators will be impaled on a spike...includes "Secrets of the Grail" 45-minute backstage tour after the show; commemorative Grail cup (filled with beer or soft drink); and guests will be able to take once-in-a-lifetime photos with cast and crew, set pieces and props." There's only a limited number of VIP tickets available for every show except Saturdays and the tours begin immediately after the performance. They are dark on Thursdays.