Typically a crowded mess of striped button downs and buckle shoes, but hey, everyone likes what they like, which is fortunate for me, because *I* especially like that Dos can corral most of the people I generally abhor into one perfect, double-decker horny beehive.
I simply do not understand how this faction of people exist to be ridiculous, 30-something wankers, itching for piece of college ass where survival-of-the-fittest theory would generally chew these hopefuls up and spit them out into Yuma for being downright useless to the perpetuation of modern society. Whatever. You wanna see some mouthbreathers? Wanna be baptized clumsily in Corona by a swallow of leather-sandaled, pleated Beta Kappa class of '94? Here's your shot. I can't get over how annoying most of these people are. They must be a pleasure to know and buy drinks for and invite over for your Super Bowl party.
This place would be pretty awesome if not for the "half-your-age-plus-seven" 's.
After all, it IS a good place to day drink.