I won't knowingly eat at a place where the people entrusted to prepare my food are lazy clock-punchers--nor would I eat where the staff has their ass on the serving counter. I dig the Fatburger franchise as a whole (I've reviewed the Sunset Station location favorably). This place is at Sunset and Mountain Vista, in front of the Wildfire. I sat in the drive through at this location for 3 full minutes today (I use my watch to time drive through response time--just a habit to overcome the boredom) with no response. No big deal. So I pulled up to look through the drive through pickup window. Maybe they were closed and I didn't notice. Perhaps the intercom was broken. Maybe they were being held up by robbers and I could foil a crime!!! Nope. When I pulled up and looked in, I saw two employees, one sitting on the counter (where food is supposed to be served), one sitting in the dining room, both looking at their cell-phones. There were no customers visible inside. I'm hoping there was no manager inside either, or else that location is in real trouble if one of those loafers was actually in charge. Lazy is one thing; I can nearly forgive some young person for not giving their all for a minimum wage fast food job. But sitting on the checkout counter? Oh, hell no.