| - "Normally I didn't see a great deal. I didn't hear a great deal either. I didn't pay attention. Strictly speaking I wasn't there. Strictly speaking I believe I've never been anywhere."
let me begin by saying, after a good 30 minutes of eavesdropping at chez boris, i don't know what i liked more, the donuts or the man behind the donuts. maybe they're one in the same. today was my day to let go, i shared jovial laughs with the patrons attempting to navigate the black curtain upon entrance, and ate 6 donuts and a pork belly donut sandwich in the process.
luckily at chez boris, even if you do have trouble with the curtain, the joke's not on you.
to note, boris' menu isn't exclusively donuts, i saw a specials column (which i assume rotates on a weekly basis) with chili/sandwiches/quesedillas and the like. a hop over to the facebook page confirms my inklings. if you're like me and probably won't have a donut (or 6) on the regular, there's still great coffee, and very affordable relative to other places in the area, you don't feel like you're getting nickle and dimed at every turn.
-1 for a special that seemed tacked on/thrown together for the sake of an alternative option - quesedillas - which could be prepared better a home, and for that matter, tasted no different than my friend's 'we should get high and make quesedillas' sort of night.