| - So the idea, at least to me, seems a bit "out there" but I'm willing to give anything a try and I'm really glad I did. I don't have any injuries, or chronic pain; I just wanted to relax. (Apparently there is a whole science behind it having to do with BETA brainwave function etc. etc. and I'm sure it's all true, but I was happy with just having an hour of quiet time, as I'm sure many people are. THis is a bit long but I felt most of the other reviews didn't tell much about what happens so I wanted to share that with you so you know what to expect, and some tips I think would be helpful.
PLEASE NOTE: True REST does reward clients who leave them a positive review (as many businesses do these days) but I think that may apply only to members? I am not a member and don't think I will join (as a location is not close to me) so I can speak for any other reviews as to whether they are fake or filtered. Who knows, this is just my experience. Thanks!
You'll have 5-7 minutes to rinse off in the shower and get into your pod in your private room. (They provide you with wax earplugs and vaseline to put over any cuts or scrapes as the salt water may cause irritation.) There is also an inflatable neck ring (looks like what you take on the plane with you) that will help support your neck and keep your head out of the water if you like. You can choose from several different colors, or a color variation, or no light. No light was way to freaky for me, so I went with red. The water is warm and within a few minutes you will not be able to tell the difference between the air and water. (I kept thinking "are my toes in or out of the water? I can't tell..maybe I should look...." probably why I couldn't fully relax haha!) You really do feel weightless and like you are floating. The epsom salt doesn't take moisture from your skin so you will not be pruny after! The music will begin to play for about 10-15 minutes, which is supposed to help your brain decompress or relax etc. then it will be silent for the next 40 minutes. This is the part that drove me nuts because all I could hear was myself breathing and my heartbeat. (As you will read in other reviews, some people had a hard time relaxing and just letting their mind go blank, while others seemed to have experienced some transcendental meditation experience or something lol. Maybe if you do this several times it will be easier to get into a super relaxed state and although I was really relaxed, I never fell asleep or allowed my mind to go blank.) Then the music will play for 5 minutes, signaling the end of your float. When it's done you have about 10 minutes to shower (and you need too, you will be crusty from the salt!) and get changed. They have shampoo, conditioner and body wash there but unfortunately in my room they weren't labeled. I just guessed at which was which, haha! They have a separate room with a mirror, lotion etc. if you want to dry your hair, put on makeup etc. After that you can have some tea or oxygen.
Overall thoughts? Initially the idea is a bit weird, but incredibly relaxing, I felt very comfortable, my skin felt super soft and smooth, and I would definitely do it again. Did I go into a trance like meditative state? Not even close, but I was really relaxed and that's good enough for me. My mom and friend also REALLY enjoyed it. My mom is a bit claustrophobic so I was worried she may freak out. She said she just left her pod open and was fine. You can also roll up a towel and put it between so the lid doesn't close all the way as well. I think it may be a bit cooler/drafty with the lid open though. My friend and I both said it felt like being in the womb (and I had a red light on in mine so...LOL) or what I imagine it would be: floating in warm water in a pod.
Suggestions: After going once here are some things I think would be helpful to know/share:
1.) Do not shave the day of your float. (Think: salt water in cuts doesn't feel good!)
2.) Do take a shower just before your float, and make sure to wash your hair. (You can always take one there but I felt rushed. If you do it ahead of time you will have an extra few minutes in the beginning to get situated.)
3.) Don't wear a really nice suit or sandals (it won't fade but it will get crusty salt crystals on it)
4.) It's hard to get dressed after your shower when it's in a somewhat humid room. (I wore jeans, dumb!) I'd suggest wearing a light coverup/maxi kind of dress. Or wear your suit there and just go in the pod nekkid if you want.
5.) It drove me crazy to be in complete silence for most of the float. If you are like me, I would ask the attendant if it's possible to play the zen music the entire time you are in the pod. I know you are supposed to be letting your brainwaves chill, but