| - I first started frequenting Chinese groceries in the early 90's in Minneapolis, MN, because that's where my Chinese Doctor had his practice. There are some incredible grocery stores and pharmacies there, and in other large cities. Compared to those, Asian Midway foods would earn 3 stars from me.
That said, this is Madison. The store offers a decent selection of Asian foods. It's in a poorer part of Madison and that is reflected by the clientele and the condition of the store, itself.
But, why are you reading this? Probably because you need something that only a Chinese grocery would likely be able to offer. Or, perhaps you are just curious. You should definitely come here. I buy teas, treats, and Chinese Medicine here. The staff have always been friendly and helpful. You'll get a decent sense of the types of things you'd find at larger, more established stores.
I can't speak much for the actual grocery selection because I haven't done any grocery shopping here. Will update when I have time to check them out more.