I gotta admit, this place was so interesting that I didn't pay any attention to the merchandise or the fact that it's actually a store. So this review would be as an attraction.
Taxidermists' wet dream without a lick of Normal Bates creepiness. Plenty o head-only trophies, with a good dose of entire bodies (Lions, Moose, Bear) accurately ensconced in a few square feet of their pseudo-natural habitat. Some good mannequin displays too (took a pic of my mom posing with a hunter replete with camouflage and night goggles). Schools of fish dangle from the ceiling.
But the real kicker was the "King of Bucks", housed in an inconspicuous semi out front. It turned out to be an air conditioned carpeted display of 20 150+ pt buck head trophies from various years (one from the 1920's). Bordering on freaky with the semi being so narrow and all these buck eyes staring at you glassily from all sides....]
Took more photos here than at the Bellagio.