Just did a re-key. I work nights and have a tough schedule, they called me to let me know they were on their way and I slept through the calls. The tech was nice enough to wait for a little while. When I woke up in a panic and called back he was at my front door. Opened up the house and within 5 minutes had the lock cylinders out and was rocking the job. Will was the installer, real friendly mellow dude. Felt like I had a friend in the house wasn't uncomfortable at all. He didn't just slap the deadbolts back in either, he stood there and kept adjusting them till he was content. After the install he asked me how many keys I wanted, separated the old ones and made sure he explained which ones were the new set. He asked if I wanted to double check them to see if I was happy with the job, didn't even hesitate and told him there was no need. Knew he did a good job. But when I left for work and locked the door, I didn't even think I locked it-it was SO SMOOTH. I had to check it 3 or 4 times to make sure it was turning the cylinder!
I work in a similar field of work where people trust me with their vehicles, I always try to go above and beyond to make customers feel comfortable and to instill trust. This company does a solid job at it.
I would recommend this company to anyone! Close attention to detail and they take pride in their work. No bullshit here. Shoutout to Will for the good work ethic! Keep it up.