When in Rome; right? When you have a short layover, geopgraphy rules. The other choice is taco's and other non boarding or lap friendlyfoods--you go here. I haven't done any reserach but if this restuarant isn't owned by Panera (in some shadow way) then Panera should sue them.
It reminds me of a place I went to in Amsterdam in 1997 called Wings. There were very attractive young busty women in tiny blue shorts and tiny white handkerchief blouses. They changed the uniform color and had mayonaise for the pomme frites...other than that?
So this Panera "clone" is okay, its food, the sandwich was pricey (probably airport mark-up at this location) and not that special-the bread seemed "store-bought" and the turkey was grocery store grade. The cookies are good, however; sugary and dripping with fat.
I did see someone else mention service. They have a bad production set-up and workflow and the kids working don't really care (I understand that, sadly) and hundreds of rushed angry people a day can't be any fun. However, noticing the sandwich in front of you and calling out the number should be a minimum requirement.
When I noticed my number had been skipped, I waited jealousy while a few more people behind me in line were fed and walked back over and asked about it. The young woman looked at me blankly; then down at the sandwich on the counter. A pause for a few more seconds, then, "Oh yeah, forty-six". I took my sandwich and walked away worried about our society's future.