I booked this stay using my Verizon rewards points back in April. This property had good reviews and we thought that if Verizon endorsed it, we would be in good shape. THIS IS POSSIBLY THE FILTHIEST HOTEL PROPERTY I'VE EVER SET FOOT IN!!
Where to begin? Grimy walls throughout the property; filthy warped carpeting; NO AIR CONDITIONING in the hallways; chipped and cigarette stained furniture; patched up unpainted drywall; thin, worn and wrinkled linens; broken drapes that do not shut; a dirty plastic pale under a dripping bathroom sink; moldy calking surrounding the shower; an air conditioning unit that is louder than a steel mill; and dust EVERYWHERE!!
The worst part of it all: we checked in at 2:30am after a 5hr plane flight from Los Angeles. Instead of a doorman, a passed-out junkie blocking the side entrance doorway welcomed us. We are now stranded in this flea-bitten, nightmare of a dump (this place does not even skirt motel status) until our travel contact with Verizon reaches the management of this hotel to insist on a refund (which she cannot guarantee).
After I hit send here, my partner and I plan to bombard the social media and every rating service with our scathing review of this hellhole.
Henceforth I will NEVER stay at a Holiday Inn Express...EVER!