| - This is how my visit went...
Anna: Hello, come right back here, please.
Me: Is this going to hurt? (she could barely speak English, but rolled her eyes very Americanly).
Anna: Please lay down and move up.
So, I lay there as people come in and out of the room giggling...not at me, I hope. She returned and started to wipe my eyes with some kind of astringent. Kinda burns. Then taped my lower and upper eyelid with a sticky form. I wanted to it itch my eyes so bad that my toes were twitching.
Ana: You okay? (I nodded)
Then she started to poke around my eyes with sharp tweezers. My back began to ache on both sides for laying on one position for an hour or so. I needed to stretch. All I kept thinking was to bolt up and run out of the room screaming! The itching around my eyes got so bad, it trickled down my neck and down my back where I can't reach...the horror!!! Then I realized my cotton mouth needed to be drenched. I just drank some water not too long ago. Oh, I needed to close my mouth...that would help. What next? Oh no, seriously? I really need to go pee, right now?
Anna: Are you okay?
Me: Yes. (Stop talking to me and hurry the heck up!)
Anna: Okay, we're done. You need to sit up slowly. (she handed me the mirror)
Me: I love it! Lookey my extra long lashes! (and my blood shot eyes) Thank you, thank you. They are the best!
Anna: Not so bad, eh?
Me: Piece of cake...when should I come back for the maintenance?
Moral of the story: Beauty is only skin deep, but it's worth the torture.