I tried this on a whim and now I am hooked. I don't like to get out of breath during my workouts but still like to leave feeling sore, so Pure Barre is perfect for me. I've never looked to forward to working out as much as I do here. I tried the first class and left shaking and unable to climb stairs. I knew I would have to go back to make sure I met the challenge!
All the instructors are friendly and supportive. Almost all of them are excellent, but in particular: Jasmine is very energetic and engaging, Veronica's classes kick your butt, and Shannon is always pleasant and welcoming.
The unlimited month is a great deal if you will go a lot. Try one class one a single pay basis to see how you feel about it, or look for a Groupon deal. You will need to sign up for the class online first. Don't worry if you are put on the waitlist; most of the time you will get into the class anyway. If you're new, you'll pick up the routine of class very quickly.
My only complaints have to do with the high demand for these classes. It is so expensive. I can't always afford to go, which is really a bummer because it's something I enjoy it so much. I actually started about a year ago and took almost ten months off until a Living Social deal came along. Also, sometimes it's very crowded and I get less room and attention from the instructor.
Also, watch out! They sell really awesome merchandise in the front and you will want to spend all your money!