| - I've given a negative review only once for an establishment since 2013. BluePearl has been adequately disappointing that I am compelled to share my experience. Our family Leo, our Main Coon cat, to BluePearl within a 24-hr span for evaluation of unexplained fever, lethargy, and infection. We left with more questions than answers since we first arrived. Unfortunately, he didn't receive adequate care his first go and required overnight hospitalization when had to bring him back to the ER. We are overwhelmingly disappointed with the lack of care and attention provided at BluePearl. Here are several things that stood out to us:
1. Careless medical reporting. We received an alarming call from his Primary Care informing me he was given 10 times the recommended loading bolus for his antibiotic therapy. There was no need for us to frantically call around at early hours in the morning to verify the dosage. Thank you for the unexpected and unnecessary anxiety.
2. Lack of care. I never received one phone call. You can expect to receive zero updates during your buddy's stay here. In fact, I requested to speak with Dr. White and the front desk relayed my contact information to him and confirmed he would call after surgery in the next couple hours. It's the next day, and I still haven't heard from him.
3. Questionable practices. For a sick animal, does your staff really think glittered wrap is appropriate?. I had to pull out this ridiculous thing from his mouth with glitter flying everywhere, while his eyes kept dropping over as we are en route to another emergency room. Thank you for this as well, BluePearl! Not to mention the $1500 you billed for a little IV salt-water and ampicillin. Zero radiologic imaging. Zero diagnostic laboratory. So as far as pricing, and the disappointing quality of service, this is a little of what you can expect at BluePearl.