This has to be one of the best if not the best Health Food store around.
Great prices and they know there stuff.
Ask Sean or his amazing wife or any of there staff a question and they know it.
They will help you in every area you may need help with wen it comes to Nutrition.
Oh and if they don't know they will help you find the answer.
Best people to deal with.
They carry a product that's helped me get my life back.
I was in a horrible accident in 2011 and I died twice and lost my leg have a plate in my head and have had over 42 surgeries and procedures.
I have PTSD very bad and they carry this product called HealthyCellPro.
OMGOSH this stuff works!!!
I take two in the morning and two at night.
It's helped me get my balance in life back.
My energy and focus in the day is pumped! And at night about an hour after taking the night time formula I'm asleep. Like for eight straight hours!
That hasn't happened in over 10 yrs.
thank you everyone at Pure Health Foods!!!!!
Feeling like I'm 30 again..
whoop whoop