Pot roast. French fries. Dear Lord...
What a great start. Server was attentive but could tell when we were chatting.
We were a few drinks in and got sat...busy Saturday night had a few apps and then the server went MIA. We had filets on our mind...full meals..and *poof* in one fell swoop all hopes and aspirations for a meal vanished.
By the time she showed to take our order it was 10pm. Yeah we were chatting but damn...and we were no longer wanting a full meal.
So we shared another app (pizzas),further dashing our hopes for a steak and tater meal. So out tab dropped from potentially $150 to half that due to server inattention.
So our pizza get delivered and our server extraordinaire neglected to bring utensils therefore the pizza toppings and crust immediately separate...and I have not a fricking fork.
My review started as a five and is quickly nosediving...
It really depresses me that a table health check completely escapes some servers...and when they are behind a bar they seem to get a full pass on maintaining a section.
Completely disappointed. We even flagged down the manager to explain that our server has been less than attentive and instead of asking us what the problem was he just ran over and got her brought her over to us then skittered off. All I wanted was a steak. Complete failure.