| - Slooooooow as it goes is being nice. 20 minutes for a frozen drink, and wasn't what I would call busy. He finished making a drink that had been placed before me, the started the absolute painstaking task of making mine. I honestly don't think he had a clue, as I watched him go back and forth to the blender at least 4 times. Then a couple of girls came in, sat at the bar and started chatting and showing coffee dude their nails, distracting him from being able to finish my drink. 20 minutes later, I left with an overpriced, overiced , underflavored drink. While waiting, I took a seat on the "shedding" vinyl sofa, trying to take in what could be a fun vibe. Sniff sniff, then it hit me, the sofa reeks of body funk. I get having recycled furniture, but, this is quite disgusting.
The last time it was a great drink made to perfection, today, not so much. Too many coffee shops to choose from to be this underwhelming.