FINALLY!!! I have been wanting to eat Sonic sloppy food for everrrrr!! There isn't one close enough to where I live in LA and when I see the "Happy Hour" commercials for the yummy looking drinks I get pissed because I CANT HAVE ONE!! Well folks, I finally got to have an experience at Sonic. Love how the waitress's roller blade up to your car, so 50's! Oh and the food was mmmmhmmmm good :) I had a burger (tasteh!), onion rings (not so great, too sweet) and a strawberry lime aid thingie (the SHIZZY!!). Wish I had some vodka to add to the drink, it would have been HEAVEN. If there was a Sonic near LA, I would try everything on the menu but, since there's not, I will remain a skinny minnie and enjoy when ever I'm in Vegas. Ha.