I've only been here twice. The first time I went was just to be nosey. lol! I went in and I liked how everyone was friendly and I went through the produce and I loved their selection!
They had many things that can't be found in the Southside! I'm sorry but Food City doesn't carry fingerling potatos! So I knew I was happy and in love! I wanted everything especially the fresh herbs and spices! :)
I walked around in the store a lil bit and was in awe of the things that are simply not available in this neighborhood since the farmstands were bulldozzed to make way for all the hideous new housing in the Laveen area. YES that's RIGHT u new Laveeners... u all complain about how there's no fresh produce in this area... it's because all the farms were cleared to make your house!! Grrr... anyway - I really like this place and would totally go back.