| - This is a great place to bring your kids if you want them to have a ton of fun on any day of the week. The first time we went here, even my teenagers were in awe and played like they were kids again. If you have a Discovery place family membership you can add this place to it for a mere $30 and as a family of 6, it totally made sense. Price is 10 bucks per person, so pay and be on your way. Inside this gem of a place they have a plethora of mini places for the kids to use their imagination. What's a mini place? Well, you have your vet's office, a fire truck with gear, a mini farm, a toddler's area, a bank with a drive thru, a tumble, rock climbing area, a diner, a Dr's office, a stage with hourly performances and then costumes the kids can dress up in back stage and then perform, an attic with games and books, an under the sea room experience, an arts and crafts room, a room with building blocks, a car mechanic experience, a race car, an airport upstairs and more. I'm sure I'm missing something else. My favorite spot is the fake diner with it booths and fake food, a salad bar, an oven, bakery case and cash register, you could really let your imagination run wild. It also cuts down on the bored parent trying to keep the kid entertained factor. You really kind of get caught up in it too.
The second time I went it was a bit "full" but it was also summer break so, duh! There's not much in the area so if you get hungry you should pack a lunch to eat outside or in a small area with tables just past the entry point. The lady at the front desk told me there was no wifi but when I searched, I got 2 hours free by submitting my email address. I'm not sure if that means next time I go, I have to pay. On the other hand, maybe not having wifi is intentional so they can make sure we keep track of our "snotty nosed kids" and don't have our faces glued to our phone screens. LOL!
So I highly recommend this place and if your kids don't have fun then I just don't know what would be fun for them. Maybe Disney?
That is all!